Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I cancel my subscription?

Subscriptions are automatically renewed if you do not cancel them. Cancellations are made via Google Play Store and App Store. Please follow the suitable link below to see how you can cancel your subscription:

Cancel a subscription from Apple.

Cancel, pause, or change a subscription on Google Play.

If you can not manage to do it or have problems doing it, you can always contact with us. We will be happy to help you.

2. Is the application free?

Yes. It is free to use Postegro. But if you want to access a wider range of features, you must upgrade to premium version.

3. I do not want to login to the application. I have concerns that something bad will happen to my Instagram account.

Unfortunately, you can not use our application if you do not log in. This process is necessary for us to give you accurate and immediate results. We never keep your personal data. You can read our Privacy Policy for more detail.

4. I have subscribed before, my subscription has not expired yet. How can I restore it?

After you log in to our app, go to premium page. You will see a “RESTORE PURCHASES” sign at the end of the page. Click on it and follow the instructions. If you have problems doing it, please contact us.

5. Before I used your application, my profile was not seen by other people who do not follow me. Will it be visible after using your application?

Since we do not keep your personal data, we can assure you that it will not be visible. But please be sure that you do not use another applications at the same time. Because they might be the reason why your account becomes visible.